
Here at SSV Remington, you have the opportunity to shoot all disciplines that are recognized by the Royal Dutch Shooting Sports Association (KNSA). Additionally, we also offer the chance to use the range with air guns, including compressed air.

On the KNSA website, you will find a comprehensive list of all recognized disciplines that you can choose from.

Here is an example of the disciplines that our members typically practice:

  • Air Pistol and Air Rifle 10 meters
  • Large Caliber Pistol or Revolver 25 meters
  • Small Caliber Pistol or Revolver 25 meters
  • Large and Small Caliber Pistol or Revolver 25 meters Bowlingpin
  • Military Pistol 25 meters
  • Small Caliber Rifle 12, 50, and 100 meters
  • Large Caliber Rifle 50 and 100 meters
  • Historical Weapons Revolver or Pistol 25 meters
  • Historical Weapons Muzzleloader or Breechloader Rifle 50 and 100 meters
  • Benchrest Small Caliber 50 meters or Large Caliber 100 meters
  • NPSA Pistol/Rifle and/or Shotgun